Newborn Safety Essentials

Newborn Safety Essentials

Although there is some truth to the old adage about children not coming with an instruction manual, many new parents tend to find themselves with the opposite dilemma, there can sometimes be too much information to parse through on your own. While this article aims to provide you with a few essentials regarding safety, our Mount Dora, FL, pediatrician is the health expert you can turn to for answers regarding just about every aspect of newborn care. You can learn more by getting in contact with Dr. Samuel Divaker and Dr. Rezla Divaker of Divaker Pediatrics.

Car Seat

It seems obvious, but one of the most immediate safety decisions you make when taking your baby home. Purchasing a quality car seat and learning how to correctly operate it can protect your child whenever you need to transport them, like for their well-baby visits.


First-time parents often discover just drastically their lifestyle can change when they begin feeding their newborn. Babies eat often and at the hour of their choosing, and they'll also quickly transition from breastfeeding to bottle, and solid foods. It's important that you check with our pediatrician often to make sure your baby is getting the nutrition they need and to learn how to make the necessary adjustments.


Just as seemingly chaotic as their eating habits are babies' sleeping habits. Our pediatrician can also guide you to make sure your baby can sleep safely, but there are some basic safety tips that are worth covering. Make sure that their crib adheres to current standards for safety, put your baby to sleep on their back, and keep items such as pillows, quilts, and stuffed toys out of the bed.

Newborn Care in Mount Dora, FL

Babies have a series of appointments with their pediatrician from after they're born onto their first birthday, and it's important to keep all of them as your child's doctor can be your greatest resource for keeping your baby healthy and safe.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding newborn care, you can dial (352) 383-8384 to schedule a consultation with our Mount Dora, FL, pediatricians, Dr. Samuel Divaker and Dr. Rezla Divaker of Divaker Pediatrics.

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